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Workplace Health and Safety Policy | Brian Cummins Group

Don't Underestimate the importance of WHS

BCG's Risk Management Plan protects you, your staff, your customers and the BCG team


Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Management System is an integral part of Brian Cummins Group. We value people and are committed to providing a safe working environment; not only for our own staffs but also for everyone who works in conjunction with our company. To achieve this we maintain a documented safety management system. Our system includes a company safety policy; safety documents for each job site, site audits and safe work method statements. We report and investigate all work-related injuries to ensure that our safety system is working effectively and where necessary to improve our system.

It is our objective to identify the major environmental impacts associated with the works that we carry out and to put in place measures to minimise any adverse impacts.

Brian Cummins Carpentry & Maintenance Service Pty Ltd is fully insured for Workers' Compensation and Public Liability with Certificates of Currency available on request. Value at $20 million.

With certification from Australia's leading accreditation organisations such as CM3 you can rest assured you are protected, all our staff attend extensive training sessions each year and maintain a detailed Risk Management Plan designed to protect everyone.

There is no work or activity important or urgent enough to compromise the safety of our people - safety is our number one priority and will be demonstrated in all our undertakings.



  • BCG is committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees, contractors, visitors and members of the public who are affected by our work by continually striving to prevent injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
  • Establishing and reviewing measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at the elimination of work-related injury and illness.
  • Complying with all relevant health and safety Acts and Regulations including applicable Standards and Codes of Practice so far as is reasonably practicable to do so.
  • Adopting a proactive risk management approach to workplace health and safety as an integral part of overall business operations.
  • Providing and maintaining safe systems of work including premises, equipment and substances that are safe and without risks to health.
  • Ensuring all Managers, Employees, Contractors and Visitors are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safety and holding them accountable for providing and/or maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Providing relevant information, instruction, training and supervision as may be necessary to enable employees, contractors and visitors to work in a manner which will minimise the risk of injury or ill health.
  • Consulting with and involving employees in decisions impacting on their health and safety.
  • Providing relevant information, instruction, training and supervision as may be necessary to enable employees, contractors and visitors to work in a manner which will minimise the risk of injury or ill health.


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